
March 20, 2019

Our FaceValue art exhibition at Jealous Gallery returns!

Artist, curator and KPF champion, Gary Mansfield, has created his third collaborative exhibition based around the changing of identity at the hands of another, with each artwork being a metaphor for a person that is living with visible difference.

We are really proud to be working with Gary to make this event happen again and it’s a big moment for us in the year as the funds raised will help us to support burns survivors to rebuild their lives.

The exhibition will run from 18th – 28th April at Jealous Gallery in Shoreditch.  We invite all art enthusiasts, who feel they might be able to support by buying a piece of art, to visit the show. The official unveiling and opening night will be taking place on the evening of the 18th April with Katie and other special guests in attendance. Numbers at the opening night are limited but if you are an art collector or buyer and would like to be there, we’d be delighted if you could join us. Please email to express your interest and get more details.