
November 17, 2015

Please support our Global Giving crowd-funding campaign!

This week we are launching a crowd-funding campaign with Global Giving, and our target is to raise £5,000 to fund the new Katie Piper Foundation on-line forum for people with burns and trauma scarring.

This is part of a Global Giving challenge, which, if we secure 50 individual donations between now and 21st December 2015 means we could secure additional funds – a top three place in the challenge is eligible for £1,500 (first place), £1,000 (second) and £500 (third).

With your help we are confident we can achieve this – please visit to find out more.

The Katie Piper Foundation on-line forum:

This year we have been working hard developing a safe and secure platform to host this unique on-line forum for those with burns and trauma scarring.

People with burns or trauma scarring can often feel isolated because they do not get opportunities to meet others with similar experiences. Our aim is to launch an on-line forum to create a safe and supportive environment to share experiences, get scar advice and gain access to our other charity services which aim to make it easier to live with burns and scars.

Our forum will be managed by trained moderators and will be a place where people living with burns and scars can share experiences and support each other. They will be able to get advice on scar management and reach out to access other services provided by the Foundation.

This could be the first step for some survivors.   We’re almost ready to launch but we need your help to make it a reality.