
December 2, 2015

KPF Beneficiary Kelly outlines the value of our new online forum and crowd funder

Huge thanks to our beneficiary Kelly Jackson who wrote a blog about her experiences with The Katie Piper Foundation in support of our crowd funder    We thought we’d share an extract here :


“The importance of sharing experiences with people who have been through similar things to you, is a huge part of burn survivor’s recovery, in my opinion. It’s the self-acceptance and self-appreciation that helps survivors gain confidence to live the life they want.

Being insecure and locked away, isn’t going to help you accept and grow, so therefore, sharing is caring … hence my blog   and many other blogs that I’ve come across, from various burn survivors I’ve had the privilege to meet and connect with, through The Katie Piper Foundation.

Before my accident I was a good looking girl, with lots of insecurities, just as most young girls my age would have had. I would be so concerned about my outer beauty that the inner beauty didn’t get much attention.

Now, with the many friends I’ve made through the connection with The Katie Piper Foundation, I have really got a brand new perception of my life and real beauty. Now I feel drop dead gorgeous! So thank you to The Katie Piper Foundation for helping me and many more burn survivors with that.”


You can read all of Kelly’s blog here